Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Java = good or bad?

As I was sitting down to enjoy my second cup of coffee for the day
(yes, in my bright sunny "Good Morning!" mug that I use every day!!),

I heard voices in my head.... good voices that is.... of friends and family who always ask me about coffee and whether or not it is good to have as part of your daily diet. Thought it would be a perfect thing to chat about today.  Here's the skinny on coffee and it's benefits and harms:

Coffee is okay in moderation (like most things).  If you enjoy 1 or 2 cups a day you are in good shape. If you are someone who enjoys 1 or 2 pots a day.... you better cut back!
  • Studies show that coffee may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, discourage the development of colon cancer, and even reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease.  But elevated consumption has also been linked to breast cancer and osteoporosis in women.
  • Earlier studies that showed coffee as a possible cause to heart disease and cancers did not also take into consideration that many high consumption coffee drinkers were also smokers and physically inactive (at that time) .
  • 30 to 60 minutes after drinking coffee, caffeine blood levels will be their highest and may add focus and energy to your workout. Don't drink too much as coffee is a diuretic and will dehydrate you.
And don't forget, coffee is a stimulant which will increase your heart rate and elevate your blood pressure - so keep track of how you're feeling and know what's best for you and your body.

Cheers to a great morning!

1 comment:

  1. Good to know my morning routine is right where it should be...thanks Marisa!! Santé!!!
