Friday, August 17, 2012

Final Assessments

Four weeks have passed in a quick whirlwind!  The students will perform the repertory they have learned while in residence for their families and friends this evening, then everyone will depart and head back to where they came from.  I hope that the students will take with them new ideas to share and put into practice however possible. 

We spent our final day in dance conditioning completing post-assessments for comparison to our first day and the pre-testing that we did.  Take a look at some of the students in action on our final day:


Nadya completing a hamstring flexibility assessment:

Lateral flexion to the right and left sides were also assessed.

Lauren completing the shark skill assessment for lower extremity agility:

Upper extremity agility was also tested using the Davies Test.


Debbie completing a lateral flexion mobility test:

Other range of motion of the spine was tested including flexion, extension, hyperextension and rotation. 

In addition to these assessments, strength, balance and cardiorespiratory efficiency was also considered.  My plan is to prepare a report with my findings of the students progress... so look for that in the next couple of weeks!  We spent time looking at their results, and most of the students found that they had improved -- by the numbers! As dancers, while our work is often so qualitative it's hard to find satisfaction in progress.  I hope that the students can see specific improvements and make new goals for the fall.   

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