Thursday, April 4, 2013

I read something wonderful today....

A study in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology found that motivation fluctuates.  People are not just either A. motivated, or B. unmotivated, but each personal level of motivation will rise and fall -- most importantly to note, it's not a static thing.

Picture it: there could be a few weeks in which you are super eager, when you get up early, hit the gym, decide to learn a new language, you are filled with positive thoughts while being your own best cheerleader........ and then the other weeks in which you're.... not.  And that's ok. Don't let those other weeks slow down the motivation when it hits you.  The worst things we can do is get down on ourselves during these times.

Everything needs to have ups and downs: our weight, energy levels, motivation....
Now we realize, thanks to the researchers at Penn State, that this is NORMAL :)
Thanks, Penn State.

...A little image to accompany our thoughts for today...

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