Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Roll those dice and select from a few of these simple core stabilizing and strengthening exercises:

1.  Prone isometric-abs (Plank) --  Lie face down (prone) with feet together and draw abs in to activate the glutes (butt muscles) while lifting the body up off the ground.  Make sure to keep the body in a straight line from head to toe with weight on elbows and feet.  Keep those abdominals engaged! 

2.  Medicine ball rotation -- While holding a medicine ball (see below), stand with feet hips width apart and slightly bend the knees to support the back.  Twist the spine while rotating from side to side (facing right and left) without moving the pelvis.  You can also try this sitting on a mat in a seated crunch position or with your feet lifted off of the floor. 

3.  BOSU crunch -- While sitting on a BOSU ball (see below) or a physioball, place the small of the back on the ball with feet flat on the floor (like a traditional crunch position) with arms behind the head.  Using the abdominals ONLY raise the torso forward then lay back down on the ball without arching the spine.  **Be careful not to use the strength of the legs or momentum of the torso to complete this movement!! 
4.  Marching/single knee raise -- While laying on the back (supine) with two feet flat on the floor, engage the low abdominals (pull navel to spine) and lift one foot up off the floor to a 90 degree angle.  Hold for a few seconds then lower and repeat with the other leg. 

Whenever completing core based exercises it's essential to stabilize the spine and pelvis as you are doing each repetition.  Do not arch the spine, tuck the pelvis, or allow for excess movement in this region. 

See you tomorrow for another set of exercises! 

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