Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The skull!

In class yesterday we learned about the SKELETAL SYSTEM and the most relevant bones for dancers to be able to identify.  There was a question in class about some additional information regarding the skull.... here is some follow-up information with a labeled diagram of important landmarks:
The sutures (fused connections) of the skull can help us to remember some of the planes (which we also learned about in class yesterday!): 
  • Sagittal suture runs from the posterior (back) to the anterior (front) of the skull separating the two parental bones of the skull (helps us to remember the sagittal plane!)
  • Coronal suture separates the frontal bone from the parietal bones and runs from right to left across the top of the skull (frontal plane.... also know as the coronal plane!) 
  • Lambdoidal suture separates the parietal bones from the occipital bones at the base or posterior side of the skull 
There you have it.... the SKULL! 

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