Thursday, September 27, 2012

Good vs. bad energy

Energy keeps us going throughout the day and we are always looking for more.  Great ways to feel more energetic include:

  • at least 8 hours of sleep 
  • exercise! 
  • a healthy diet 
Not all of us can keep up with our hectic lives and these three at the same time.  

So, what are other routes to achieve energy with a healthy pick-me-up? 

Better Nutrition magazine recommends staying away from conventional energy shots which amp you up with high doses of caffeine and taurine -- lots of sugar and artificial sweeteners while masking your fatigue. Instead, try:  
  • ADAPTOGENS -- herbs like ashwagandha, rhodiola, ginseng, and schizandra which help the body adapt to stress. They increase mental and physical efficiency with stimulation like caffeine, and are also shown to improve athletic performance. 
  • B VITAMINS -- helps the body turn carbohydrates into energy. Stay hydrated to aid in efficiency of these water-soluble wonders. 
  • GREEN TEA -- contains a low dose of caffeine with other healthy compounds. Contains flavonoids which are cancer preventative, antiviral, and immune boosting antioxidants. 
  • GUARANA -- a rain forest plant with seeds that contain more caffeine than coffee. If you're new to guarana, stick with a low dose as it affects people differently. 
  • HONEY -- the fructose is time released so it doesn't create as strong of a blood sugar spike when getting energy from charbohydrates.
  • SUPERFRUITS -- energy providing fruits like noni, acai, blueberry and pomegranate.  They also support cellular health.    





Here's to an energizing Thursday! 

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